MG Services AG

Josefstrasse 92, 8005 Zürich
Zurich - Switzerland


The purpose of the company is to provide services in the areas of consulting, trust and brokerage of all kinds of transactions. It can also trade. The company may acquire, develop, manage and exploit patents, licenses and manufacturing processes, trade in goods and products of all kinds, finance and promote all types of transactions, acquire and sell land and carry out other transactions to the extent that this is necessary or useful to achieve its purpose is. The company may establish branches and subsidiaries at home and abroad and participate in other companies at home and abroad and carry out all transactions that are directly or indirectly related to its purpose. The company can acquire, debit, sell and manage real estate at home and abroad. It can also provide financing for its own or third-party accounts and enter into guarantees and sureties for subsidiaries and third parties.

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