Via Serafino Balestra 27, 6900 Lugano
Tessin - Switzerland


The company’s purpose is to provide asset management services pursuant to art. 17 para. 1 Law on Financial Institutions – LISFI in the name and on behalf of its customers and having as its object the latter’s assets. The services consist of the purchase or sale of financial instruments, the acceptance and transmission of mandates relating to financial instruments, the management of financial instruments (asset management in the strict sense), and the formulation of personalized recommendations regarding operations with financial instruments (investment consultancy). The company can offer financial instruments pursuant to art. 19.3 lett. c Financial Institutions Law – LISFI. The company can carry out intermediation activities, fiduciary operations, as well as family office activities. The company can open branches in Switzerland and abroad, as well as grant financing and issue guarantees in favor of affiliated companies. The company can also take shareholdings in other companies, acquire movable and immovable assets, as well as carry out any other activity functional to achieving the corporate purpose.

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